Hello world!

Hello world!

Freedom. That word has many meanings and today, for me, it means less stress, less responsibility and more – well, more life.

We’re raised in a world where we’re conditioned to do certain life events in an order of sorts. We go to grade, middle and high school and then graduate. Between starting high school and graduating we are to learn to work and start to become responsible adults. For some, college is a requirement; while others could care less (my group). We’re taught via society that without that college diploma you might not make the most money or have the best job, or blah, blah, blah. Whatever. I graduated from college with a 2 yr degree at 45 yrs old and debt I really didn’t need, and trust me, I don’t make a shit ton of money; but I do like my job. After schooling, then it’s time to get married, buy a house, have kids……

Ok, hold on, I’m not sayin’ those steps are bad. I mean, I took those steps also, just in a more “mad as a Hatter” route and I turned out not so bad, right!? Well, after all of that – I’M EXHAUSTED!!! Aren’t we all!? Keeping up with the Jones’, worrying about mortgages, utilities, vehicle payments, sports, lunch money….the list goes on and on…..UGH!

As you know, my babies are now 23 and 18. Like everyone says, “Where did the time go?” Proudly, I can say that, while it did seem to fly by, it was the BEST ride of my life so far and I wouldn’t trade one second of it for anything. Turns out I know how to raise kids….lol….who would’ve thought that!? And while it was the best ride, I’m sure tired. Not tired of being a parent, mentally tired, drained and beat.

What am I doing to remedy that? Well, I’ve sold the house, bought a pickup and am heading on an adventure for this next stage. I leave Sunday, July 24 for an Airbnb in Kuttawa, KY for two weeks. It’s about an 10.5 hr drive from Rochester, MN and I figured that since I’m only going to be gone for two weeks; might as well save 6-7 hrs of drive time and hang out in Kentucky for a bit. My end goal is to settle in the Chattanooga, TN area.

Why you ask? I’ve been in the Midwest these last 46 yrs, why not change it up!? I want the air to smell different, I want to hear different stories from different people, I want different foods, different sights; just different…….everything.

I’m inviting you along for the ride and I welcome any suggestions, comments or thoughts that you may have…..just be gentle on an old lady;)

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