Goin’ back a bit…..

Goin’ back a bit…..

I haven’t written in a couple of weeks. After my stay in Kentucky, I went back to Minnesota for a friends wedding and to move Dominic to college. Nothing of note happened, a little dog drama (nothin’ surprising there!), lots of beer and Captain drank and a flood of tears. All to be expected, in a manner of speaking. Two things that stand out in my mind 1) Wedding: I remember seeing the way the Groom looked at the Bride and it was just like in the movies – raw true love; he couldn’t take his eyes off her and his smile……the whole time!!!! wish them the best 🙂 2) Dominic moving to college: happy, proud, sad, broken heart, tears, excitement, love, tears, honor; oh and did I mention tears!? Good golly – I haven’t cried like that in YEARS!!

Dominic and girlfriend Ashley 🙂
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